1 Angola (Luanda) Associacao Angolana de Projectistas e Consultores (AAPC) www.aapc.co.ao +244 931 215 376
2 Mozambique (Maputo) Associação de Empresas Moçambicanas de Consultoria (AEMC) https://aemc.org.mz/
3 Nigeria (Lagos) Association for Consulting Engineering in Nigeria (ACEN) https://www.acen.org.ng/
4 Tunisia (Tunis) Association Nationale des Bureaux d'Etudes et des Ingénieurs Conseils - Tunisie (ANBEIC) https://www.facebook.com/AnbeicTunisie/ +216 713 45311
5 Zambia (Lusaka) Association of Consulting Engineers in Zambia (ACEZ) https://www.acez.co.zm/
6 Botswana (Gaborone) Association of Consulting Engineers of Botswana (ACEB) http://www.aceb.org.bw/
7 Kenya (Nairobi) Association of Consulting Engineers of Kenya (ACEK) www.acek.co.ke +254 20 2249085
8 Malawi (Blantyre) Association of Consulting Engineers of Malawi (ACEM) http://acemmw.com/
9 Tanzania (Dar es Salaam) Association of Consulting Engineers Tanzania (ACET) http://www.acet.or.tz/
10 South Africa (Johannesburg) Consulting Engineers South Africa (CESA) https://www.cesa.co.za/
11 Egypt (Cairo) Engineering Syndicate, Egypt (ESE) http://eea.org.eg/
12 Ghana (Accra) Ghana Consulting Engineers Association (GCEA) www.gcea.org.gh +233 30 7038379
13 Mali (Bamako ) Order of the Consulting Engineers of Mali (OICM) https://fidic.org/organization/141
14 Uganda (Ntinda) Uganda Association of Consulting Engineers (UACE) http://www.uace.or.ug/
15 Zimbabwe (Harare) Zimbabwe Association of Consulting Engineers (ZACE) http://www.zace.co.zw/